13 FEBRUARY 2024

TUESDAY 240213

Gymnastics Technique Work

Kipping Pull-up

Today there will be time for those with Strict Pull-ups to work on progressing to Kipping Pull-ups.

If athletes have their Kipping Pull-ups and want to learn Butterfly Pull-ups, now would be the time as well.


20 Minute EOMOM

Odd Minute – 1 Round of Cindy

5 Pull-ups – 10 Push-ups – 15 Squats

Even Minute – 200m Run or 250/200m Row

This is going to be a great session.

Look to complete each round of Cindy under the Minute Time-cap.

For those who are learning the Kipping Pull-up, today provides lots of practice.

IMG 3738

Coach James is always asking the best from his athletes.

Here he is accepting his CrossFit Pleasure Point award for his “Annie” PR during January 24′ Test Week.

Coach James crushed Annie with a 6:31 RX time.  Great Job!!!!


Tuesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

430PM – Workout of the Day

530PM – Teen Class

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