FRIDAY 240315
Open WOD 24.3
Today the programming will be the CrossFit Open WOD 24.3.
15 Minute Time Cap to complete
5 Rounds
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
1 Minute Rest
5 Rounds
7 Thrusters 135/95
7 Bar Muscle Ups
This is the final week of the OPEN. Let’s have some fun during this one.
The 8AM Class will run as a standard class.
430PM will run as an event. All our athletes are encouraged to come and participate or cheer those athletes working out on.
There will be heats going until everyone who wants to participate has had a chance to complete the workout.
Athletes who are signed up for the Open will have priority for Heat and the workout will determine the amount of athletes per heat.
Make sure you have RSVP’d to Kim or Peter for the 5C event tomorrow. This will be our Post-OPEN celebration to rehydrate and get some good food.
Friday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the Day
8AM – Strength / Olympic Lifting
430PM – 24.3 Friday Night Lights (will be running heats until everyone has had an opportunity to complete the WOD)