16 JANUARY 2024

TUESDAY 240116

Pullup Progression

Day 12 – 7-6-5-4-4



3 Rounds for Reps

Each station is 1:00 minute with a switch at 0:50 seconds.  There will be 5 stations.  Between each round will be 1:00 minute of rest to log reps.

This workout first appeared on CrossFit.com on 1 December 2004.  It was so named after MMA fighter BJ Penn completed the workout and when asked how it compared to a real fight, he remarked it was like a “fight gone bad.”

The stations will be:

Row – Calories

Wallballs – 20/14

Sumo Deadlift High-Pull – KB 53/35

Box Jumps / Step-ups – 20″

DB push press – 35/25

Log your total reps for each round.  See if you can maintain your score through all 3 rounds.

IMG 1711

“Success often comes to those who dare to act.  It seldom goes to the timid who are afraid of the consequences.” – Jawaharlal Nehru


Tuesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

430PM – Workout of the Day

530PM – Teen Class

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