TUESDAY 240319
Power Clean Ladder
20 Minute EMOM with increasing Reps up to 10
1-10-1-Max Effort
Power Clean weight should be near to 60-70% their Power Clean 1RM.
The goal for today’s workout is to pick a weight that allows each athlete to complete the “buy-in” of the first 19 minutes.
Each minute the athlete will complete +1 rep up to 10 then work back down. On the final minute the athletes will complete a Max Effort Round.
This Max Effort Round will be the athletes score if they were able to complete all of the previous rounds.
Margaret – John – Kamala – Tim after Open WOD 24.1
Tuesday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the Day
1030AM – Workout of the Day
430PM – Workout of the Day
530PM – Teen Class