21 AUGUST 2023

MONDAY 230821

For Time

80 Air Squats

40 KB Swings (#53/35)

200m Run

20 Pullups

60 Air Squats

30 KB Swings (#53/35)

200m Run

15 Pullups

40 Air Squats

20 KB Swings (#53/35)

200m Run

10 Pullups

20 Air Squats

10 KB Swings (#53/35)

200m Run

5 Pullups

During today’s workout, there will be a 30 Minute Time Cap.


Tabata Pushup Challenge – Day 16

IMG 0246

Coach James using the 72lb KB.  Great job!!!

Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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