23 AUGUST 2023


Strength and Accessory Work

10 Minutes to work

Power Snatch Balance


4 Rounds

2 Minutes to complete

10 Power Snatch (#95/65) CP (#135/95)

10 Lateral Burpee over barbell

2 Minutes rest

The load for the Snatch is up to each individual athlete.

Score will be the time you complete each round or the amount of reps completed during the 2 minutes of work.

Find a load on the Power Snatch you are comfortable cycling.


Tabata Pushup Challenge – Day 18

IMG 7123

Synchronized Burpees are the best kind of Burpees.

Wednesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day


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