Pullup Progression
Day 18 – 8-7-6-6-5
Threshold Mashup
1 Minute of Max Effort at each station
Station 1 – Dumbbell Thruster (35/20)
Station 2 – Toes-2-Bar
Station 3 – Row for Calories
During the minute of testing we will be completing each station with a minute of rest between test stations.
3 Minute rest then
5 Rounds (15 minutes) at 50% your max effort
Take this time to work on stringing your Toes-2-Bar together.
Threshold Mashup is a great stimulus and a way to increase your capacity for the various movements.
Threshold mashup training was developed and coined here at CrossFit Pleasure Point.
Push yourself each round to finish during the first 30 seconds to get equal work to rest during this session.
Wednesday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the day
8AM – Workout of the day
430PM – Workout of the day
615PM – Workout of the day