28 AUGUST 2023

MONDAY 230828

Monthly Test WOD


30 Clean & Jerk (#135/95)


Competitors Programming (#CP)


30 Snatches (#135/95)

During the last couple weeks we have taken the time to work on cycling our Clean & Jerk.  Let’s see the results of that work today.

We have also had a month working on our Snatch.  If you have never completed 30 Ground to Overhead as a Snatch, choose a lighter weight and give it a shot.


Tabata Pushup Challenge – Day 21

This is the final week of our Tabata Pushup Challenge.  Next week we will test our numbers after the month of hard work.

Keep up the great work.

IMG 0368

Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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