01 FEBRUARY 2023


For Time

Evolution A – 10 Minute running clock – remaining time is rest for the athlete

21/18 Assault Bike Calories

9 KB Swings (#53/35)

15/13 Assault Bike Calories

15 KB Swings (#53/35)

9/8 Assault Bike Calories

21 KB Swings (#53/35)

Evolution B – 10 Minute running clock – remaining time is rest for the athlete

21 DB Thruster (#35/25)

9 Toes-2-Bar

15 DB Thruster (#35/25)

15 Toes-2-Bar

9 DB Thruster (#35/25)

21 Toes-2-Bar

Athletes can choose to start on either Evolution.  The second Evolution will start at the 10 Minute mark.

This WOD will reward the athlete who finishes their first Evolution quickly with more rest time.

IMG 0953

Even Brit will assume the CFA post-WOD rest position.

Wednesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

4PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day


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