FRIDAY 220902

Today we have a great burner to end this awesome week of training.

7min AMRAP

3 Burpees

6 DB Deadlift (#35/20)

9 DB Thrusters (#35/20)

3min Rest

5min AMRAP

3 Burpees

6 DB Deadlift (#35/20)

9 DB Thrusters (#35/20)

2min Rest

3min AMRAP

3 Burpees

6 DB Deadlift (#35/20)

9 DB Thrusters (#35/20)

1min Rest

1 Round for Time

3 Burpees

6 DB Deadlift (#35/20)

9 DB Thrusters (#35/20)

Who can maintain a pace of 1 round per minute during the entire workout?

IMG 8153


Friday’s Schedule

8AM Strength / Olympic Lifting

4PM Workout of the Day

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