06 JUNE 2023

TUESDAY 230606

Today marks the three year anniversary of the death of a good friend and fellow Sergeant for the Sheriff’s Office, Damon Gutzwiller.  Fondly referred to as “Gutz.”

Many will notice the large photo recently placed above our “Be A Champion Today” sign of Gutz.  It is a reminder for me and my family how precious our time with each other is and to not take any of it for granted.

Today, take a moment of your day to tell your loved ones how special they are to you and how much you love them.  Call a dear friend you have not spoken to and reconnect.  Never take your time for granted.

Skill Progression

Overhead Squat

10 Minute Ladder

+1 every Minute

Weight up to individual athlete


Bent Over Row


Weight should be the heaviest set completed from previous week.  Barbell is the preferred stimulus.

Ring Dips – Day 8


Sgt. Gutzwiller


Tuesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Teen Class

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