07 AUGUST 2023

MONDAY 230807

20 Minute Hang Power Clean Ladder

Hang Power Clean (#95/65) CP (#135/95)

1-10-1-Max Effort

During this WOD the Hang Power Cleans should be consecutive each round without dropping the bar.

If you need to drop the bar, rest the next minute and then continue.

Score is the total amount the athlete are able to complete in the final minute.


Tabata Pushup Challenge – Day 6

Keep up the great work on the Tabata.

IMG 1735

Great job by Makayla who now holds the 7 minute Burpee gym record at 120 burpees!!!

Post Burpee record pose!

Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

430PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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