08 NOVEMBER 2022

TUESDAY 221108

Tabata Tuesday

For this Tabata Session score will be the max repetitions at each station.

There will be 4 Tabata Sessions during this WOD.  Each Session will transition with 1 minute rest prior to the next Session.

Tabata Session will be 20 seconds on with 10 seconds of rest.  Tabata will be completed in the below order, but you can start at any station.

Min 0-4 – Strict Knee Raises

Min 5-9 – Burpee

Min 10-14 – Box Step-up / Box Jumps

Min 15-19 – Russian Twist (#15/10 Plate)

IMG 0425 scaled e1667497544844

Mobility is just as important as strength.  Maintain your mobility and keep moving.


Tuesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

1030AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Teen Class

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