MONDAY 230410
Run / Bench
Today we will be partnering up and doing one of our classic workouts.
4 Rounds
3 Minutes On / 3 Minutes Rest
400m Run or 500m Row
Max Reps Bench Press (#135/85) CP (#155/105)
Pullup Progression – Day 7
The goal of this workout is to maintain a fast pace 400m run and go straight into max effort bench press until the 3 minute clock is up.
The athlete will then rest for 3 minutes. Partners will be spotting each other during their rest time.
Let’s put our Bench Press to the test today now that we have completed our Wendler Series.
Who can get more than 100 total reps. We last completed this WOD on October 19th, 2022.
Josh practicing his unsupported handstand.
Monday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the day
8AM – Workout of the day
4PM – Workout of the day
615PM – Workout of the day