10 AUGUST 2022


Wednesday reminder we have striking class at 515PM and 615PM WOD class.  They make for a great session if you can make it to both.

4 Rounds – AMRAP

3 Minutes on – 2 Minutes Rest

3 Power Cleans (#135/85)

6 Pushups

9 Squats

Compare today’s effort from your previous effort on February 10th, 2022.  If you do not already do so, keep a log to track your workouts.  This is a great way to track your fitness.  There are a ton of applications to use or go old school and keep a notebook with them at the gym.

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Coaches Pete, James, and Henry with Josh killing last weeks partner WOD at 615PM.


Wednesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

8AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Striking (Bag) Class

615PM – Workout of the Day

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