14 OCTOBER 2022

FRIDAY 221014

8AM class cancelled.  Coach Adrian is not able to make the class.  Prayers to him.

CAMP Session (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

4 Rounds

Each Round is 4 Minutes with 3 Minutes of Work and 1 Minute of Rest between Rounds

Min 1 – AMRAP Devil’s Press (#35/25)

Min 2 – AMRAP Double Unders / Singles

Min 3 – Wallballs (#20/16)

Min 4 – Rest

Each round will be scored like Fight Gone Bad, with the athletes score being the total amount of repetitions completed during the 3 minute work cycle.

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Great Job Mike!!!  Last weekend Mike completed his 1st Half Marathon in 2 hours 11 minutes.


Friday’s Schedule

8AM Strength / Olympic Lifting (Cancelled today)

4PM Workout of the Day

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