FRIDAY 221216
Today starts a new Olympic Lifting Series. Coach Adrian will be starting a 5 Week Series on Bench Press.
Come all 5 weeks to get the full benefit, but drop in on any of the weeks to improve your strength in this lift.
For the 4PM WOD we have the below:
12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
800m Run (Buy-in)
10 Alt DB Snatches (#45/25)
60 Double Unders
20 Alt DB Snatches (#45/25)
60 Double Unders
30 Alt DB Snatches (#45/25)
60 Double Unders
Continue adding +10 Alt DB Snatches until the time runs out.
Brad and Brit during a 6AM session.
Friday’s Schedule
8AM Strength / Olympic Lifting
4PM Workout of the Day