FRIDAY 220923

4 Rounds

3 Minutes On – 3 Minutes Rest

Round 1 – 400m Run then AMRAP Deadlift (#135/85)

Round 2 – 400m Run then AMRAP Front Squat (#135/85)

Round 3 – 400m Run then AMRAP Squat Clean (#135/85)

Round 4 – 400m Run then AMRAP Clean & Jerk (#135/85)

This is going to be a very challenging workout, so bring your A-Game.  Note the Squat Clean and Clean & Jerk are both movements that will require athletes to be below parallel.  Take the opportunity during this workout to work on technique during each repetition.  As always athletes are encouraged to evaluate the movements and scale accordingly.

IMG 9125


Friday’s Schedule

8AM Strength / Olympic Lifting

4PM Workout of the Day

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