24 APRIL 2023

MONDAY 230424

4 Rounds

3 Minute On – 3 Minute Rest

400m Run – Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead (#95/65) CP (#135/85)

500m Row – Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead (#95/65) CP (#135/85)

25/20 Assault Bike Calories – Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead (#95/65) CP (#135/85)

50 Box Step-ups – Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead (#95/65) CP (#135/85)

Score each round is the number of S2O completed during the remaining time.

Athletes can pick their start station but must respect the order.  Racks should not be necessary to complete the WOD.

This WOD replicates the Run/Bench WOD and athletes should look to partner up with athlete using the same weight.


Pullup Progression – Day 21


IMG 1247

Monday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the day

8AM – Workout of the day

4PM – Workout of the day

615PM – Workout of the day

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