20min EMOM
Power Clean Ladder 1-10-1 (70% 1RM from 230328) or (#135/85)
Every minute add 1 Power Clean up to 10. Then work back down to 1.
Complete only one set of 10 on the 10th minute. On the last minute AMRAP Power Clean.
The amount completed on the final minute is your score.
If you are not able to complete the ladder take a break until the minute you were not able to complete and work back down.
For example, if you were not able to complete the round of 8, rest until the round of 8 on the way back down.
This is a great WOD to look back and compare to your previous effort to today’s effort. We previously completed this WOD on 221017, 220915, 220519, 220310, 220201, 221118.
Pullup Progression – Day 23
Wednesday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the day
8AM – Workout of the day
4PM – Workout of the day
615PM – Workout of the day