04 May 2015

MONDAY 150504

Strict Pull-up Progression: 5,4,3,3,2

Rest as needed then,

As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 10:00 of:

9 Power Cleans (135lb. / 95lb.)
60 Double Unders or 120 Weighted Jump Ropes
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

AOW Justin


Justin is Athlete Of The Week


Congratulations to Justin who was recognized as Athlete and Coach Of The Week at CrossFit Pleasure Point. The most common expression from people when they mention Justin is, “I love that guy!” Justin indeed captures the heart and soul of our gym in his kindness, compassion, encouragement, and selfless-service to others. Take for example the recent Water Warrior Competition: After CrossFit NorCal’s team-members left Austin (same person who completed Justin’s Level I CrossFit Course) at the start line of the final foot-race all alone, Justin volunteered to be his partner for the team-race. Justin’s incredible speed in the sand and water, even though he had dried off and was wearing jeans (see photo above) was enough to secure the 2nd place victory for CrossFit NorCal. Now that is pure CrossFit Pleasure Point! In addition to his athleticism, Justin is a great Coach who cares deeply for the Athletes in our gym. Today is also Justin and Bri’s 4 year anniversary! Congratulations Justin on all your success!


Monday Special Programs

CAMP (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)

One Minute “On” followed by One Minute “Off” at the following stations:

Concept 2 Rower (Every Calorie Counts!)
Wall Ball (20lb. / 14lb. )
Box Jump
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (53lb. / 35lb.)

Complete up to Two Rounds with 3:00 rest between rounds.

Light WOD (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Strength Development:

Tire Flips & Tire Pulls, 5 to 7 repetitions


As Many Rounds As Possible in 4:00 of,

Run 200 Meters or 150 Jump Ropes
30 Squats
20 Push-ups
10 Super-Strict Pull-ups (Use a Band!)
Russian Kettlebell Swings (35lb. / 25lb.) Maximum Repetitions

Note: Complete up to three rounds of this workout. Rest as needed between rounds.

Barbell Club WOD (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM at Headquarters)

Krav Maga Phase A & B (6:15 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Krav Maga Phase B & C (7:15 PM – 8:00 PM at Krav Maga)



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