09 March 2015

MONDAY 150309

Choose One of the Following 10:00 EMOM Evolutions:

Evolution A: Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 10:00,

Deadlift, 4 Repetitions
Hang Power Clean, 3 Repetitions
Front Squat, 2 Repetition
Shoulder to Overhead, 1 Repetition


Evolution B: Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 10:00,

Power Snatch, 2 Repetitions
Overhead Squat, 1 Repetitions


Evolution C: Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 10:00,

Power Clean, 3 Repetitions
Hang Squat Clean, 2 Repetitions
Shoulder to Overhead, 1 Repetition

Rest as needed then,

Complete Two Times:

As Many Calories As Possible (AMCAP) in 1:00 of:
Concept 2 Row (Maximum Calories)

Rest 1:00

As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) in 1:00 of:
Wall Ball (53lb. / 35lb.)

Rest 1:00

As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) in 1:00 of:

Note: Beginner to Intermediate Athletes should focus on Evolution 1 while Advanced Athletes should challenge themselves with Evolution 2 or 3. All Athletes should look for opportnities to string the techniques seamlessly together. For example, the third Hang Power Clean could culminate in a Squat Clean, and the second Front Squat could culminate in a Thruster to satisfy the Front Squat and Shoulder to Overhead repetitions. The EMOM followed by AMRAP sequence makes for an incredible session.


Roberto is Athlete of The Week


Congratulations to Roberto who was recognized as Athlete Of The Week at CrossFit Pleasure Point. Roberto has been training at CrossFit Pleasure Point for nearly two years and his progress has been inspiring to all the Coaches and Athletes at our gym. Roberto is a “Four Discipline Athlete” and trains in Yoga, CrossFit, Krav Maga and now Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Roberto is also on the CrossFit Pleasure Point Competitors Team and participates on a regular basis in the Endurance WOD, WaterWOD and Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) program. Knowing that Overhead Squats would likely be a component of the CrossFit Open, Roberto practiced extensively during Open Gym and before class. During 15.2 on Saturday, the hard work paid off and Roberto performed extremely well in both the Pull-ups and Overhead Squats. Congratulations Roberto on all your success and keep up the inspiring work!


Monday Special Programs

Light WOD (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Strength Development:

Tire Flips, 5 to 7 repetitions


As Many Rounds As Possible in 4:00 of,

Run 200 Meters – 100 Jump Ropes or 90 seconds Assault Bike
30 Squats
20 Push-ups
Slam Ball – Maximum Repetitions

Note: Complete up to three rounds of this workout. Rest as needed between rounds.

Barbell Club WOD (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM at Headquarters)


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