10 October 2016

MONDAY 161010

Wendler Strength Series for Front Squat (Week 2)

Rest as needed then,

One Minute “On” One Minute “Off” for 20:00 (10 Rounds)

Ground to Overhead (135lb. / 95lb.)

Note: Think of todays workout as 10 rounds of As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) of Ground to Overhead. Athletes will have the individual choice of the method for achieving the overhead position, to include Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Clean and Press, etc. How many Athletes can Rx’ todays workout, and achieve 100 or more total repetitions?


Molly is Athlete Of The Week!


Congratulations to Molly on being recognized as Athlete Of The Week at CrossFit Pleasure Point. Molly has the heart of a champion, and is a huge source of inspiration to everyone in our gym. When she is not crushing workouts, you can find Molly teaching 3rd grade at Good Shepard Christian School in Santa Cruz, where her enthusiasm, Heart for Christ, and kindness provide education and inspiration to her students. Of special note is Molly’s (and fellow school teacher and longtime friend Kristin) incredible performance during the 24 hour AMRAP of “Cindy”. Molly completed over 120 rounds, many of which were completed in the presence of her students, who visited the gym to cheer her on. Talk about setting an example! Congratulations Molly on all your success, and keep up the amazing work.


Monday Special Programs

Light WOD (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at HQ)

One Minute “One” One Minute “Off” for 20:00 (10 Rounds)

Kettlebell Swing (25lb. up to 73lb.)

Krav Maga (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)


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