15 August 2016

MONDAY 160815

Tabata “Tuck” Position on Parallel Bars

Rest as needed then,

On a 3:00 Running Clock,

Run 400 Meters,
As Many Repetitions As Possible of Kettlebell Swing (53lb. / 35lb.)

Rest 2:00 then,

On a 3:00 Running Clock,

Run 400 Meters,
As Many Repetitions As Possible of Pull-up

Rest 2:00 then,

On a 3:00 Running Clock,

Run 400 Meters,
As Many Repetitions As Possible Power Clean (135lb. / 95lb.)

Note: We will be easing into the training week with todays session and a bit more time on mobility at the start of each class. How many people can average a 1:30 split time on the 400, and achieve 90 or more combined repetitions at the exercise stations? Athletes can choose their start station, but must honor the order of rotation.


Mark Divine is Athlete Of The Week!


Congratulations to Commander Mark Divine on being recognized as Athlete Of The Week at CrossFit Pleasure Point. Mark (pictured with Greg just moments after the infamous Kokoro Camp #10 in 2010 at SEALFIT in Encinitas, CA.) is the founder of SEALFIT, Unbeatable Mind and Kokoro Yoga, and the author of numerous New York Times bestselling books, including Way Of The SEAL. Mark has been instrumental in the mentorship, guidance and leadership of Greg Amundson, and has greatly influenced Greg’s leadership style, personal ethos, and training philosophy. Mark first introduced Greg to Yoga, and has sense been Greg’s primary teacher of this combined ancient and modern warrior practice. Through Mark’s various leadership and warrior development programs, Mark has helped the next generation of warriors and leaders embark on their journey with solid ethics, core values and a determined sense of life purpose and direction. Thank you Mark for your continued and never ending service to our Country, and for reigniting the archetype of the modern day warrior.


Monday Special Programs

Light WOD (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Our LIGHT workout will be our HQ programming today.

Krav Maga (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)


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