MONDAY 160418
Complete Five Rounds:
On a 4:00 Running Clock,
Run 200 Meters
12 Deadlifts,
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Note: Special thanks to Brett and Alex for this awesome training session. On todays workout, every 4 minutes for 5 rounds, you will complete the above evolution. If you finish before the top of the next round, rest until the start time. However, if you do not finish the round within the 4:00 interval, continue working into the next round, and then rest a full 4:00 before completing another round. Rx’d weight for men is 155lb. and women is 95lb.
Van and Rachel are Athletes Of The Week!
Warrior Yoga 75 (9:00 AM – 10:15 AM at Satvana Yoga)
Light WOD (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)
Complete Four Rounds:
On a 4:00 Running Clock,
Run 200 Meters
21 Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees
9 Pull-ups
Note: On todays workout, every 4 minutes for 4 rounds, you will complete the above evolution. If you finish before the top of the next round, rest until the start time. However, if you do not finish the round within the 4:00 interval, continue working into the next round, and then rest a full 4:00 before completing another round.
Krav Maga (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)