22 June 2015

MONDAY 150622

Thruster 5,3,1,1,1 Repetitions. Use the Rack and Go Heavy!

Rest as needed then

Five Rounds Against a 1:00 Running Clock of,

Kettlebell Swing, 15 Repetitions
As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) of Thruster

Note: For the strength component, use a Rack and work towards a heavy 1 Repetition Max effort. The goal for men is bodyweight, and women 3/4 bodyweight. For the AMRAP component, prescribed weight is 95lb. barbell for men, and 65lb. barbell for women. Your “score” on the AMRAP is the total number of Thruster’s achieved each round. Rest up to 3:00 between rounds.  Kettlebell weight is 53lb. for men and 35lb. for women. This workout rewards exceptional technique and timing. The last time this workout was performed in our gym was September 9, 2014 and April 10, 2015. Set a new record today!


Corey “Captain” Demers is Athlete Of The Week


Congratulations to Corey Demers who was recognized as Athlete Of The Week at CrossFit Pleasure Point. Corey is an “Original Founding Member” of CrossFit Pleasure Point, joining our gym within a few weeks of it’s grand opening in July 2012. Corey was also one of the first receiptants of the prestigious Warrior Spirit Award. Corey’s mental discipline and determination is inspiring to see: Recently, after several months of slow-progress, he had a major breakthrough with his Double Under technique, and now effortlessly strings together consecutive repetitions. Corey is a top Athlete in the gym, and has competed in three consecutive CrossFit Games Open seasons, with increasing capacity and performance each year. Outside the gym, Corey’s extensive leadership experience has earned him deep respect. His former service includes combat deployment with the United States Army, and he currently serves as a Fire Captain with Mountain View Fire Department. Congratulations Corey on all your achievement, both inside and outside the gym. We love you brother!


Monday Special Programs

CAMP (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)

Our CAMP workout will be the HQ programming today.

Light WOD (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)


Complete Three Rounds For Time of:

Run 400 Meters (or 150 Jumps or 2:00 at 50 RPM on Assault Bike)
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-ups (or modified rope climbs)

Barbell Club WOD (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM at Headquarters)

Krav Maga Phase A & B (6:15 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Krav Maga Phase B & C (7:15 PM – 8:00 PM at Krav Maga)


CrossFit Pleasure Point Holistic Nutrition Seminar Now Available on YouTube

Holistic Nutrition Seminar Part 1 [video]

Holistic Nutrition Seminar Part 2 [video]

“In The Kitchen With Greg” [video]


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