01 June 2016


On a 30:00 running clock,

Minute 0:00 to Minute 10:00,

Run 1600 Meters (Big Loop)

Minute 10:00 to Minute 20:00

“Grace” (30 repetitions Clean and Jerk, 135lb. / 95lb.)

Minute 20:00 to Minute 30:00,

Run 1600 Meters (Big Loop)

Note: On todays workout, you have from the completion of each effort to the start of the next evolution to rest. For example, an Athlete who completes the “Big Loop” in 7:00, has 3:00 to rest until the 10:00 time position, when they will begin “Grace”. If they finish “Grace” at 15:00, they rest until the 20:00 time position, and then complete another “Big Loop”. Three total scores will be computed today; the first and second run, and time for completion on “Grace”. Weight and distance modifications will be available to ensure everyone is able to complete all evolutions within the time constrains.


Team Friday Night Fights! (Great photo Champ!)


Wednesday Special Programs

Warrior Yoga 75 (9:00 AM – 10:15 AM at Satvana Yoga)

CrossFit Light (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

On a 30:00 running clock,
Minute 0:00 to Minute 10:00,
Run 1600 Meters (Big Loop)
Minute 10:00 to Minute 20:00
100 Kettlebell Swings
Minute 20:00 to Minute 30:00,
Run 1600 Meters (Big Loop)

Note: Distance and weight recommendations will be made at each class. This is a good one!

Krav Maga (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)


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