01 JUNE 2020

MONDAY 200601

Evolution A:

Threshold Mash-up Training!

As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Weighted Object Hang Power Cleans
Rest 1:00 then,
As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Double Unders

Rest up to 2:00 and determine 50% of your maximum threshold then,

On a 10:00 clock,
Minute One: Weighted Object HPC, 50% Threshold
Minute Two: Double Under, 50% Threshold

Evolution B:

On a 3:00 running clock,
Run 400 Meters (or another metabolic activity for 1:30)
Burpee, AMRAP (score)

Note: Our famous Threshold Mash-up session is back – and it’s a good one! We will be briefing modifications and substitutions for the weighted object exercise around the whiteboard. Our Zoom classroom today is located at: https://zoom.us/j/93975180605

IMG 9521


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