02 August 2016

TUESDAY 160802 

From CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance “CAMP” Training Sessions:


Complete One Minute At The Following Stations (No Rest Between Stations):

Concept 2 Row (Maximum Calories)
Double Under (Maximum Repetitions)
Toes to Bar (Maximum Repetitions)
Assault Bike (Maximum Sustained RPM)
Slam Ball (20lb. / 14lb. Maximum Repetitions)

Rest 3:00 then,

One Minute “On” and 30 Seconds “Off” At The Following Stations:

Concept 2 Row (Maximum Calories)
Double Under (Maximum Repetitions)
Toes to Bar (Maximum Repetitions)
Assault Bike (Maximum Sustained RPM)
Slam Ball (20lb. / 14lb. Maximum Repetitions)

Rest 2:00 then,

One Minute “On” and One Minute “Off” At The Following Stations:

Concept 2 Row (Maximum Calories)
Double Under (Maximum Repetitions)
Toes to Bar (Maximum Repetitions)
Assault Bike (Maximum Sustained RPM)
Slam Ball (20lb. / 14lb. Maximum Repetitions)

Rest as needed then Maximum Peg Board Holes in 1:00 for bonus points.

Note: Keep a running total of repetitions at each station. As fatigue sets in, rest increases between stations, allowing for a sustained level of power output and intensity. This is a great CAMP session!


Nate is a True Firebreather in Mind – Body and Soul. Osssssss



We are pleased to announce our Satvana Yoga and CrossFit Mobility program has returned “Home” to our Krav Maga studio. Our new “Old School” class time is Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM immediately following our LIGHT program. Our Krav Maga studio has been redesigned to compliment the energy of Satvana and allow for the practice of integrated warrior disciplines. We look forward to seeing you “On the Mat!” Please note all athletes joining the gym in 2016 have CrossFit Mobility and Satvana included with their monthly membership price. Athletes that joined our gym between 2012 and 2016 can elect to have the $15.00 monthly Satvana “add on package.”


Tuesday Special Programs

CrossFit Light (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Todays LIGHT workout will be our HQ programming.

Women’s CrossFit (9:00 AM – 10:00 AM at Headquarters)

Warrior Yoga 75 (6:15 PM – 7:15 PM at Satvana Yoga)

CrossFit Clinic Class (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM at HQ)

Concept 2 Row (Maximum Calories)
Double Under (Maximum Repetitions)
Toes to Bar (Maximum Repetitions)
Burpee (Maximum Repetitions)
Wall Ball (20lb. / 14lb. Maximum Repetitions)




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