MONDAY 191202
Evolution A:
On a 3:00 Running Clock (Complete 3 Rounds on 1:00 Rest)
Minute One: Double Under (Rep’s)
Minute Two: Assault Bike (Calories)
Minute Three: Wallball Shots (20lb. / 16lb. Rep’s)
Rest as needed then,
Evolution B:
Every Minute On The Minute for 10:00
Power Clean, 2 Rep’s “Touch and Go” (Go Heavy! Approximately 80% of 1RM)
Note: On Evolution A, work at each station for 50 seconds. Use the remaining 10 seconds to rotate and prepare your next station. On the last minute of each round, work the entire minute. Keep a running total of your rep’s and calories. For the Power Clean, athletes will warm-up and establish their “working load” for all 10 rounds. These should be heavy lifts in the neighborhood of 80% of your 1RM.
Saturday Crew!
Save The Date!
On Friday, December 20, our gym will be hosting our 8th annual Christmas Party! We will be providing a catered meal. Athletes are encouraged to bring a small side dish or desert to share in addition to beverage of choice. Families and children are welcome to attend! More information to follow.
Week At A Glance
- CrossFit Masters Class (All Levels Welcome! 10:30AM – 11:30AM)
- Bag Class (5:30PM – 6:15PM)
- Warrior Yoga (6:30PM – 7:15PM)
- Faith Works Ministry (6:00PM – 7:00PM)
- CrossFit Masters Class (All Levels Welcome! 10:30AM – 11:30AM)
- No Krav Maga Tonight
- CrossFit Olympic & Strength Training (8:00AM – 9:00AM)
- Free Community Workout!