02 MARCH 2021

TUESDAY 210302

Complete Five Rounds,

Concept2 Row, 200 meters (SPRINT!!!)
Tempo Deadlift, 5 repetitions (5 second tempo)

Rest as needed then,

Tabata Sit-up or Toes to Bar (8 rounds of 20 seconds “on” followed by 10 seconds “off”)

Note: Take as much rest as needed between the C2Row and Deadlift. The goal is to row as fast as possible, then lift as heavy as possible while maintaining the required 5 second tempo. We will record each sprint and lift as a separate piece of data. Compare today’s data to January 20, 2021 and February 19, 2021.

IMG 2554

The official 10AM After Action Review!


Tuesday Schedule

  • CrossFit at 6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM and 4PM
  • Teenager Class at 3PM


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