02 MAY 2022

MONDAY 220502

CAMP Session (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

Evolution A:
On a 3:00 Running Clock,
As Many Rounds and Repetitions (or calories) As Possible:
Assault Bike, 10 Calories
1 Round of Cindy

Rest 3 Minutes,

Evolution B:
On a 3:00 Clock,
As Many Rounds and Repetitions (or calories) As Possible:
Concept2 Row, 10 Calories
Dumbbell Thruster, 10 Repetitions (35lb. / 25lb.)

Rest 3 Minutes,

Evolution C:
On a 3:00 Clock,
Run 400 Meters,
As Many Repetitions As Possible:
Power Clean (Weight x Reps = Score)

Note: Today’s session is going to be a good one! Athletes can pick their barbell weight, and the score is the total number of repetitions achieved in 3:00, multiplied by the amount of weight on the bar.

IMG 7742


Monday’s Schedule

8AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

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