03 AUGUST 2022


Wednesday reminder we have striking class at 515PM and our new 615PM WOD class.  They make for a great session if you can make it to both.

Today’s workout is a partner workout that will make for a potent session.  Bring a buddy or find one in class.

20 Minute As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP)

12/9 Calories – Assault Bike

20 Box Jumps / Step-ups

10 Pullups

During the workout, one person will complete all three of the above movements.  Once they are done with their last pullup, their partner will start on the Assault bike.  Your rest will be the time it takes your partner to complete their round.  Each round and rep will count toward the team’s total score.  Can any team reach a total of 10 rounds.

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Wednesday’s Schedule

6AM – Workout of the Day

8AM – Workout of the Day

4PM – Workout of the Day

515PM – Striking (Bag) Class

615PM – Workout of the Day

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