TUESDAY 191203
For Time,
Hang Power Cleans, 50 Repetitions (75lb. / 55lb.)
Shoulder to Overhead, 50 Repetitions (75lb. / 55lb.)
Hang Power Clean, 35 Repetitions
Shoulder to Overhead, 35 Repetitions
Hang Power Clean, 15 Repetitions
Shoulder to Overhead 15 Repetitions
Rest as needed then,
Rope Climb, 3 “Competition Ascents” (see note below).
Note: Our opening session is a slightly modified old-school CrossFit HQ workout, and it’s a good one. The goal is consecutive rep’s all the way through. On the Rope Climb, 1 x “Competition Ascent” is climbing up the rope, coming 1/2 way down, climbing back up, then coming all the way down.
Tuesday Special Programs
- CrossFit Masters Class (10:30AM – 11:30AM)
- Bag Class (5:30PM – 6:15PM)
- Kokoro Warrior Yoga (6:30PM – 7:15PM)