03 June 2016

FRIDAY 160603

“Threshold Mash-up Training”

Box Jump, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00

Rest 1:00 then,

Toes to Bar, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00

Rest 1:00 then,

Double Under, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00

Rest as needed and determine 40% of your AMRAP Threshold for each station then,

For 18:00 (6 Rounds Each Station)

Minute One: Box Jump (40% of AMRAP Threshold)
Minute Two: Toes to Bar (40% of AMRAP Threshold)
Minute Three: Double Under (40% of AMRAP Threshold)

Note: Compare your AMRAP score today to May 11, 2016.


Perry is a Warrior!


Good luck and safe travels to Greg Amundson who will be in Tulsa, OK., teaching a Law Enforcement Seminar on CrossFit at Tulsa Police Department.


Compile the data from the past 30 days of Nutrition Challenge for a chance to wins some great prizes. There will be a prize for most improvement on “Helen” (which will be completed in our gym on Monday) most weight lost, and most lean muscle mass gained.


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