04 December 2018

TUESDAY 181204

As Many Rounds As Possible in 7:00 of,
Deadlift, 10 Repetitions (135lb. / 75lb.)
10 Burpees

Rest up to 5:00 then,

As Many Rounds As Possible in 5:00 of,
Deadlift, 7 Repetitions (185lb. / 95lb.)
7 Burpees

Rest up to 5:00 then,

As Many Rounds As Possible in 3:00 of,
Deadlift, 5 Repetitions (225lb. / 115lb.)
5 Burpees

Note: Today’s workout is an “old school Coach Glassman” original session circa 2003. How many Athletes can Rx’ todays session and maintain an average of 1 round a minute?


Team “Fran!”


Tuesday Special Programs

Bag Class (5:15PM – 6PM at HQ)

Warrior Yoga (6:15PM – 7:00PM at Krav Maga)


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