05 April 2018


Super Set Back Squat (See Note Below)

Rest as needed then,


Four Rounds for Maximum Total Repetitions of,:
Bench Press (Maximum Repetitions – see note below)
Immediately Followed by,
Pull-ups (Maximum Repetitions)

Note: Traditionally, the famous CrossFit Girl “Lynne” called for Bodyweight on the Bench Press. However, today, we will be prescribing 135lb. for men, and 75lb. for women. No more than 10 seconds rest between Bench Press and Pull-up! Rest up to 3:00 between rounds. This is an incredible upper body stimulus! Compare todays effort to May 11, 2017 and December 07, 2017 and February 14, 2018 (although note today is just 4 rounds!) The Super Set Back Squat is your 20 Repetition Back Squat with as much weight as possible. Returning to the rack, or having a spot, constitutes the termination of the set. A great goal is bodyweight for men, and 3/4 bodyweight for women.

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Adrian following a Row, Kettlebell Swing and Burpee Sprint-Round!


Thursday Special Programs

5:15PM – 6:00PM (Bag Class at Krav Maga)

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Satvana Yoga at Krav Maga)


Krav Maga Workshop Update

The next FREE all levels Krav Maga Workshop is scheduled for this Saturday, April 7, 2018, from 1PM to approximately 2:30PM. This seminar will focus on stick defense and basic ground combative principles. We look forward to seeing you there! Sign up at HQ to reserve your spot.


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