05 April 2019

FRIDAY 190405

For Time,

Power Clean, 27 Repetitions (115lb. / 80lb.)
Hand Release Push-up, 40 Repetitions
Run 800 Meters (or Row 1K or Bike 50 Calories)
Power Clean, 21 Repetitions
Hand Release Push-up, 30 Repetitions
Run 800 Meters 
Power Clean, 15 Repetitions 
Hand Release Push-up, 20 Repetitions 
Run 800 Meters
Power Clean, 9 Repetitions 
10 Hand Release Push-ups 
Run 800 Meters 

Note: Todays session is a modified Hero workout – and according to Coach Naomi, it’s a good one! Apparently the 6AM class has been asking for a hard workout. 

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The one and only Rachel! 


Friday Special Programs 

CrossFit Olympic and Strength Class (8AM – 9AM) 

Krav Maga (Private Training – 5;30PM – 8PM) 



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