SEALFIT Strength Mash-up (AKA “The J-Bird)
Every Two Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 Rounds)
Power Clean, 1 Repetition
Hang Squat Clean, 1 Repetition
Front Rack Alternating Lunge, 4 Repetitions (2 Each Leg)
Push Jerk, 4 Repetitions
Rest as needed then,
“Blast Off!”
For time,
15 Calorie Concept2 Row
15 Burpees
12 Calorie Concept2 Row
12 Burpees
9 Calorie Concept2 Row
9 Burpees
Note: This is a complex favored at SEALFIT, and it’s a good one! Keep the weight in hand the entire set – dropping the bar early constitutes a foul. Add weight each set, or maintain a challenging load for all ten rounds.
Coach and Jason Redman – Founders of Eagle Rise Publishing
Coach and New York Times bestselling author Jason Redman recently founded Eagle Rise Publishing and Eagle Rise Books, a Christian publishing house that specializes on supporting the voice of our nations military and first responder heroes. Eagle Rise has already produced four #1 bestselling books and has some exciting projects and international collaborations scheduled in 2020.
Tuesday Special Programs
- CrossFit Masters Class (10:30AM – 11:30AM)
- Please note Krav Maga is cancelled tonight.