05 June 2019


Evolution One:

Double Under, 90 Seconds (Maximum Repetitions)
Rest as needed then,
Double Under, 60 Seconds 
Rest as needed then,
Double Under, 30 Seconds

Evolution Two:

Complete Three Sprint Rounds:

On a 3:00 Clock,
Run 400 Meters,
Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)
Pull-up, As Many Repetitions As Possible (Score)

Note: On Evolution One, we will record 3 data points – the 90, 60, and 30 second marks. On Evolution Two, rest up to 3:00 between rounds. Today is a great chance to “practice” your double under and to refine your Kettlebell technique. The CAMP aspiring Purple belt should be able to achieve 10 – 12 Pull-ups on each round. 

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Faith Works Ministry is Tonight at 6PM


We hope you can join us tonight from 6PM to 7PM for Faith Works Ministry!


Special thank you to Jamie for directing and producing a four-part mini series on how our gym is integrating Faith and fitness. 



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