05 OCTOBER 2021

TUESDAY 211005

“Go Time I”

On a 9:00 clock (3 rounds each station)

Wallball, 21 repetitions (20lb. / 10lb.)
Toes to Bar, 15 repetitions
Assault Bike, 9 calories (7 women)

Rest as needed then,

“Go Time II”

On a 6:00 clock (2 rounds each station)

Wallball, 15 repetitions (20lb. / 10lb.)
Toes to Bar, 12 repetitions
Assault Bike, 9 calories (7 women)

Rest as needed then,

“Go Time III”

One “Sprint Round” for time,

Wallball Shots, 15 repetitions
Toes to Bar, 15 repetitions
Assault Bike, 15 calories (12 women)

Note: It’s gonna be a good one!

IMG 1764 rotated



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