06 APRIL 2020

MONDAY 200406


Evolution A: (No Equipment)

Two Rounds for Time of,
50 Sit-ups
40 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
20 Hand Release Push-ups
10 Lunges (10 rep’s each leg!)

Rest as needed then,

Evolution B: (Low Equipment)

As Many Rounds As Possible in 5:00 of,
30 Dumbbell Deadlifts
20 Alternating Dumbbell Ground to Shoulder
10 One Arm Dumbbell Thrusters (10 each arm!)

Note: We look forward to seeing you today on Zoom!

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You Can Do It!


This week we will have two different “types” of workout including what we are labeling “Not Equipment” and “Low Equipment.” If you have not already had a chance to check-out gear from HQ to help build your home-gym, please let us know! Today’s workout will be on Zoom and also Facebook Live in our CrossFi Amundson (private) Facebook Group. We encourage Zoom participation! If you need help logging in please let us know. The Zoom link above will be the SAME LINK we use all week.


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