06 AUGUST 2021

FRIDAY 210806

From the official “Team Guerrero CAMP”

Active Recovery Training Session:

On a 25:00 clock (5 rounds each station)

Station One = Toes to Bar, 9 to 15 reps (athlete choice)
Station Two = Assault Bike, 12 calories (9 women)
Station Three = Concept2 Row, 15 calories
Station Four = Double Under, 30 repetitions (or 50 single jumps)
Station Five = Grinder Shuttle Sprint (see note below)

Note: On the shuttle sprint, athletes will sprint forward 25 feet, then backward the same distance, then forward the same distance, then backward to the start point. All stations are designed to be completed on a 30/30 WTRR. The goal is to maintain nostril breathing as much as possible during the workout. End the workout with a 300 meter nostril breathing walk while repeating either Scripture or a positive affirmation in your mind.

IMG 4455 rotated

Warriors at 9,500 feet of elevation (Coach at 9,500.5)


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