06 FEBRUARY 2020


Evolution A:

Tabata Mash-up of Power Snatch (75lb. / 55lb.) and Toes to Bar

Rest as needed then,

Evolution B:

15:00 running clock,

Athlete Choice “Buy In”

  • 2000 meter Concept2 Row
  • 70 Calorie Assault Bike
  • Run Big Loop

In the remaining time,

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Note: The Tabata Mash-up is a total of 8 rounds of each station (8:00 running clock). Athletes will move back and forth between each station every 20 seconds. On Evolution B, pick the most challenging entry into the workout possible.


Warrior Yoga!


Thursday Schedule

  • CrossFit (6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM, 4PM)
  • Krav Maga (5:30PM)


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