MONDAY 200106
Clean and Jerk 5,3,1,1,1 repetitions (work up to a 1RM load)
Rest as needed then,
As Many Ground to Overhead as possible in 5:00 with 70% of 1RM
Cash out with “The Pursuit”
Concept2 Row, 200 Meters
200 Meter Sprint (bus stop run)
20 Burpees
Note: It’s going to be another solid week of training, starting with a modified version of the classic CrossFit “Girl” named “Helen.”
Runner in the Mist!
Week At A Glance
- Tuesday
- CrossFit Masters Class
- Bag Class
- Yoga
- Wednesday
- Faith Works Ministry (with Eric Winders on worship music!)
- Thursday
- CrossFit Masters Class
- Krav Maga
- Friday
- CrossFit Strength Class
- Saturday
- FREE Community Workout!