06 June 2013

THURSDAY 130606 

Today we are going to spend ten minutes and learn the Kettlebell Snatch. Then,

Three Rounds of a 5:00 AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) of
200 Meter Run
12 Kettlebell Snatch
6 Toes to Bar

Note: On todays workout, you will stop and “rest” at the station you are on at the conclusion of the 5:00 work interval. Your next repetition, following the one minute rest, will resume on the station and repetition you were last on. This is a fun and challenging workout!

IMG 2501

Lindsey with the official CrossFit Pleasure Point Athlete Recognition Award


Athletes for have received the Firebreather Award or the Warrior Spirit Award had their names engraved on the brand new CrossFit Pleasure Point Athlete Recognition Award. This award will hand proudly in the Team Room.


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