06 JUNE 2020


Hello CrossFit Pleasure Point family and friends! Rather than our traditional 10:00AM FREE Community Workout – today we encourage you to go outside into your community and exercise! In other words, spend one hour outside, in the sun and in nature, moving your body. In addition to an outdoor workout, we also recommend you try the workout below called “Black Power Cleans.”

IMG 9541


For Time,

Run 800 Meters
25 Deadlifts + 25 Burpees
Run 800 Meters
25 Squat Cleans + 25 Burpees
Run 800 Meters
25 Push Press + 25 Burpees
Run 800 Meters
25 Thrusters + 25 Burpees
Run 800 Meters

Post your weight and time to our Facebook group!


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