06 May 2016

FRIDAY 160506

“Threshold Mash-up Training”

Concept 2 Row, As Many Calories As Possible in 1:00

Rest 1:00 then,

Thruster, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 (45lb. / 35lb. barbell)

Rest 1:00 then,

Pull-ups, As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00

Rest as needed and determine 50% of your AMRAP Threshold for each station then,

For 15:00 (5 Rounds Each Station)

Minute One: Concept 2 Row (50% of AMRAP Threshold)
Minute Two: Thruster (50% of AMRAP Threshold)
Minute Three: Pull-up (50% of AMRAP Threshold)

Note: The concept for the “Threshold Interval Training Mash-up”  was first conceived in late 2003 during a conversation at Silver Spur restaurant between Greg Amundson and CrossFit founder Coach Greg Glassman. The threshold training achieves the same benefits of training at a percentage of your maximum strength. As an example of the Threshold concept: If you achieve 100 Double Unders during the AMRAP, you would then perform 60 repetitions of Double Under on the odd minutes of the EMOM workout. The Threshold training levels the playing field, and allows Athletes to set and determine their repetitions during a workout based on current capacity and fitness.


Ame’s loaded sweet baked potato with shredded BBQ chicken


On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, the team from Velo Press will be at our gym for a photo shoot for Greg Amundson’s and TJ Murphy’s upcoming book on holistic fitness. More information to follow!


Saturday Advanced Class Sneak Peak

For Time:

Burpee, 55 Repetitions
Overhead Squat, 34 Repetitions (95lb. / 65lb.)
200 Meter Sprint
Bar Muscle-Up, 21 Repetitions

20:00 Time Cap


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