06 May 2019

MONDAY 190506


Complete Three Rounds for Maximum Double Unders:
On a 3:00 Running Clock,
Row 500 Meters
Double Under, As Many Repetitions As Possible

Note: Rest up to 3:00 between rounds. This is a great “kickoff week” workout. How many people can row a 1:45 (men) or 1:55 x 500 and then achieve 100 or more double under repetitions?


Joe is a Warrior!


Week At A Glance

Tuesday & Thursday – (Krav Maga – 5:30PM – 6:15PM)

No Krav Maga on Wednesday. 

Friday – CrossFit Strength & Olympic Lifting (8AM – 9AM at HQ)

Saturday – Free Community Workout 


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