10 Minute AMRAP (As Many Repetitions As Possible)
1 Strict Pullup, 2 Pushups, 3 Squats; (6)
2 Strict Pullups, 4 Pushups, 6 Squats; (18)
3 Strict Pullups, 6 Pushups, 9 Squats; (36)
4 Strict Pullups, 8 Pushups, 12 Squats; (60)
5 Strict Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats; (90)
Continue with the above repetition until the end of 10 Minutes.
Scores will be as the total amount of repetitions completed at the end of 10 Minutes. Totals indicate the number of repetitions completed after each round for ease of reference.
6th Round – 126 / 7th Round – 168 / 8th Round – 216 / 9th Round – 270 / 10th Round – 330
Fitness Outside the Box – Backpacking in Big Sur.